Thursday, August 27, 2009


We've already read the story of The Happy Prince by Oscar Wilde. Did you like it? Was it sad? Yes, a bit. But think that this story is about God's endless love and generosity. The Happy Prince and the little swallow were so good and tender that, now, they are enjoying Eternity in Paradise together with the Angel and next to God.

Let's watch the video now. Is there any difference between the book and the video?

Read these sentences and choose the correct answer (copy your answers in your folder.

Part 1

a - The little swallow didn't follow his friends because
- he wanted to swim
- he loved a plant called Weed

- he was tired

b - He was angry because his girlfriend
- didn't fly
- was too small
- was too big

Part 2

a - The little swallow was
- very hot
- very bored
- very cold

b - The professor was (
sad/angry/surprised) because he saw a swallow in Winter.

c - The swallow
(told stories/gave a present/wrote a letter) to the Happy Prince.

Part 3

a - The children
(went to school/played happily in the snow/did the homework)

b - The Art teacher
(drew a picture of the swallow/designed the statue of the Mayor/read the newspaper)

c - Listen to the end of the story and complete the paragraph

"You have rightly chosen", said God, "for in my ............ in Paradise
the ............ bird shall sing for ever more and in my City of ........
the Happy Prince shall praise me."

Do you think the Prince and the swallow are happy now? Why?

Hope you liked it.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Who is this blog for?

This blog is a space for all those students who want to learn English while having a good time and meeting friends. Just click on the link and start searching the most entertaining activity. Good luck and have fun!!!!!

Este espacio está ideado para aprender y practicar Inglés desde nuestra computadora, mientras nos entretemos y disfrutamos de un crucigrama, una canción, un video. Sólo tenés que clicear sobre el link y encontrá la actividad que más te guste. Buena suerte y a divertirse!!!

Do you like dinosaurs? How much do you know about them?

  • Find information about them here.

Would you like to visit a different planet? You can do it here

  • Make the puzzle, read and listen to the story.
  • Answer the questions and write a description of your planet in your folder, you can also include pictures.

Do you like football? What about the girls?

  • Make this puzzle and listen to the song.

Do you like writing poems? How about the boys?

  • Would you like you share your poetry? Look at this.

Finally, some more games and activities for you to enjoy